Toulouse School of Economics | Master Environmental Economics and Policy

Master 2 – Formation initiale
(2 ans)
Type de formation : M2
Présentation : The program focuses on environmental issues such as pollution, climate change, energy, natural resource management, or protection of habitat and endangered species. Courses cover how governments design public policies such as taxes, emission trading schemes or labels and standards to mitigate the negative impacts from human activities on the environment, or how individuals and firms can change their behavior in a more sustainable way. The Master in Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP) is providing students the analytical skills to assess, analyze and recommend economic policies and strategies to tackle environmental issues and manage natural resources. Students will target jobs in natural resources management and sustainable development (large businesses, public institutions and local communities), within international institutions, or will pursue an academic career.
Courses :
- Environmental & Resource Economics
- Energy Economics and Climate Policy
- Sustainable Development
- Topics in Environmental Economics
- Advanced Environmental Economics
- Valuing the Environment
- Fundamentals and Policies for a greener economy
- Sustainable management and valuation of ecosystems