ESCP Europe |MSc in Sustainability Entrepreneurship and Innovation

ESCP Europe |MSc in Sustainability Entrepreneurship and Innovation

ESCP Europe

Contact : Dr Stephan Schmuck, programme manager

Tel. : +49 (0)30 32 007 161
E-mail : sschmuck(at)

MSc – Formation initiale – formation continue

(Durée : 2 ans)

Type de formation : MSc

Présentation : Through a combination of lectures, skills instruction, and hands-on fieldwork, students learn both the theory and practice of what they need to know to become an entrepreneur who makes a difference to society and the planet. Courses are taught by full-time ESCP faculty and experienced practitioners. Students also have the opportunity to meet successful entrepreneurs and business people focused on sustainability.

Courses :

  • Introduction to sustainability
  • Sustainability entrepreneurship
  • Values-based and sustainability innovation
  • Sustainability accounting
  • Sustainability marketing
  • Sustainability metrics and green financing
  • Presentation skills for sustainability ventures
  • Digital Technologies & Sustainability

Toutes les formations